Staying Safe in the Summer: Reduce Risks During Storms

Having the ability to recognize possible risks before, during and after a summer storm can significantly reduce the possibility of a fire. The U.S. Fire Administration and Pieper encourage you to take preventative measures and adhere to some safety advice about the damage summer storms can cause.

With thunderstorms comes lightning, which creates an assortment of fire hazards. The extreme heat and electrical charge of lightning can fry objects and split trees. In addition, lightning can give an electrical charge to appliances, which gives them the potential to start fires or cause electrocution.

To prevent these unfortunate events, it is best to have a licensed electrician check your system after an outage. Your alarm systems and generator should be checked for damage you may not see. You should also make sure your alarm systems have a back-up battery or back-up power. And as a precaution, schedule monthly alarm tests and replace the batteries in your fire alarms each year.

Pieper can provide you with skilled electrical technicians to evaluate your electrical and alarm systems as well as your generators. Furthermore, we can install transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSS). Transients, also known as surges, spikes or over-voltages, can damage electronic equipment in most types of buildings and environments. TVSS installations are crucial to protecting your power and power quality.

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